Thursday, July 17, 2008

You can’t do that at work… or Can you???

Of all my days at work I can honestly say that the things that I have seen and heard here in my department are really out of this world!

Now let’s define work… Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. Hmmm… this may be the definition of work but, it is definitely NOT the definition of MY work!! Something along the lines of silly, funny, non stop laughter, loud, annoying, rude, sad, bouncing off the walls, basically almost anything you can think of would describe my work. Normally when I’m at work I’m usually quiet but, I must say that working with my team they have brought out a different side of me!

Have you ever had one of those days when you hear something really funny and whenever you think about it you start to smile and even giggle?? That’s basically everyday hear at my work! Let’s say you’re just sitting down minding your own business and you hear “Take your pants off!”… Yes, you may think that this is a joke but, sadly it is not. Some of you may think someone should have been dialing in HR for sexual harassment but, if you only knew that this statement was given between two guys in our department you wouldn’t call HR but, you just give a blank stare.

Or what about if you heard “We’re having a dance off!”, no this is not a new hit show that I’m talking about but, the crazy place that I call work.

Or what about Batman on Drugs?!? Yep you heard right! Never would I have thought that I would have seen or heard that but, while in here I see it all!!

Almost every day, if not every other day we usually get a clip of a T.V. Show, song, or any type of media presented by one of the guys on our team! Take for instance, if you are familiar with the Television show Family Guy, this show is worshiped by members of our team! Ok so maybe not worshiped but, they do like to recite lines from it… like the character Herbert the Pervert, one of the guys on our team can do his voice better than anyone that I know! It will be so quiet in our room and then all of a sudden, “Cinnamon!”, or “I know what boys like, I know what they want, I know what boys like, boys like, meee”, or the ever popular “Call Me!”, Pretty funny the first few times right…. After awhile it’s just “OLD!!!”. :)

Another one of their favorites is from something they watched on you tube just the other day. Some guy did a comedy skit about hot pockets, so now every other day we hear “Hot Poookets”, yep you guessed it just like the commercial!

Though the saddest thing that I have ever heard them talk about and make fun of is about this sweet little cat called “Chase No Face”. This poor kitten apparently got into some horrific accident when it was 4 weeks old and survived. So very frequently we hear them talk about Chase No Face and laugh about it I don’t find it funny at all because I think it’s so sad.

Or else they love to sing JUST THE BEGINNING of Enrique Iglesias' song, Do You? So randomly throughout the day we will hear, "Do you, do you, Do you know what it feels like!". And another one that just started today is "MOMMA MIA!".

One of their other phases that they went through was when they received different gadgets through the mail. Their first delivery was when they got their carpet skates. Yes, you heard right… carpet skates! These are little Velcro slippery slippers that go on the bottom of your shoes and when you get a running start you can just glide across the floor. It literally sounded like elephants were in our department when they would be running and then glide across the floor. They used to have races to see who could travel the farthest while wearing the skates, and they would also place obstacles in the aisle such as the garbage can to try and jump over. Once again this was all very funny the first few times and then it got “OLD!”

Well, apparently they believed that it got old fast too because the very next week they got a new toy and this was a battery operated helicopter. Yep, this is another thing that you would not expect to see in a work environment but, the department I work for is Web marketing sooo some people are a little crazy. These helicopters had a really annoying sound that would just be buzzing in your ear and then you would hear it get really close and have to duck and cover for fear that the helicopter’s driver would loose control of it and it would then crash on your head!

Ohhh, but this wasn’t the only thing that you have to fear that will crash on your head. At the end of some of our team meetings we will throw a huge beach ball around the room called, “The Google Ball”, and this will go on for about 10 min give or take and usually stops when someone gets hurt! Ok so not really, they usually just let that person sob bit and then hit them again. Sounds like a lot of fun huh?? Sure it is but, let me tell ya it sure get’s… “OLD!”, after about the first few minutes.

While also being at work the boys of our team also like to catch up on their Spanish learning. So constantly we hear the phrases, “MIRADA!!” meaning “Look!”.

Or just the other day someone wanted to know how to say burn… so the remainder of the day we heard. “quernado”. Then for some odd reason that brought up the conversation about burnt almonds! So then how to pronounce burnt almonds in Spanish was then looked up… never in my life would I have thought that I would have heard “ hey guys did you know in Spanish burnt almonds is, almendras tostadas”. Why anyone would want to know that… I haven’t the slightest clue but, now you know too!

They also like to practice on words that they already know too. Like sausages! At random moments throughout the day I would hear sausages, sausages,SAUSAGES! And for the longest time I really didn't know why they were screaming it, until I learned that it came from a Budweiser commercial.

Another word they were very fond of was pancake. Although not pronounced like it normally should be... this would be in a very high pitched voice like PANCAKE-KEE!!

You also have to be careful not to make Jiff mad while at work or else he might just threaten your life! He not really being serious but, just to be on the safe side I try to stay low... because just the other day someone burned some popcorn and he screamed if you burn popcorn one more time I'll kill you!

Then he also likes to say randomly throughout the day that he wants to punch you in the throat!

Though I would have to say my all time favorite moment of being in this department was when two of our guys were play fighting back and forth through email and the most ugliest Halloween costume or I dunno what you would want to call it got sent. And then the response with the picture sent back was “Halloween 2006 was a hard time for me!”, I think that I about peed my pants.

It’s the things like that that help get me through the day and keep me laughing. This department can get crazy at times though it’s fun to say that we CAN do that at work!!! And I don't think that I will ever find another team that is as crazy as mine !!
P.S. I would like to give a special thanks to my team, for without you guys this blog could have never been created! :)


  1. This is just too damn funny! Great job!

  2. OMG- No more Chase No Face!! I want to Yack! :) We will miss you!!!

  3. nice post! so funny!
