Thursday, July 24, 2008

Do you....

Do you ever think back to old times and then just start laughing?? Almost everyday I remember something incredibly stupid that I did or something that was really funny. They say that the things that happened in the past make you who you are today. I strongly agree with that because if you were to go back and change something you might not be where you are today. Some of my greatest memories happened with my friends and I would like to share some of them with you.

One thing that I will never forget is when my friends and I would dress up crazy just to go out to dinner. Not for any special occasion but, just to be stupid and have some fun. I must say that we got some really weird looks as we walked into AppleBees for dinner but, all in all we had a great time and this is one night we will never forget!

Think back to high school… remember when you had School Spirit week? That was my favorite week! It was a time where you could wear a ridiculous outfit to school and you were considered weird if you didn’t wear one.

Another time that I will never forget is when I played the part of the reindeer in Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer!! I must say that I did make one fine reindeer and my dance teachers said that they could never fill my spot again. With my long legs leaping across the stage and my animated attitude I made for a pretty funny reindeer.

Oh the joys of self cameras!! I dunno how many times that my friends and I used self timers on our cameras or we just tried to aim the camera just right to get all of us in it. In most of our cases the pictures really are worth a thousand words!

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