Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A new member to our Family

We recently added a new addition to our family. A new baby husky!!! Her name is Roxy and she is now 7 weeks old. When I first brought her home our older husky, Thor, hated her! He snapped at her and bit her; I thought that they would never get a long. After about a week and a half he realized that the new puppy was here to stay. Slowly we started letting him get close to her to sniff her and get used to her but, the second he tried anything funny we took him away. As a mom to both of them I felt really bad because Roxy couldn’t play and I felt bad for constantly scolding Thor.

Just this past weekend we were able to start letting them play together! Thor doesn’t realize that he is so much bigger than her so he tramples over her every now and she will cry. Our trainer told us not to baby Roxy too much because then she will think that every time she cries someone will come to save her; that is so hard to do because they sound so sad! I’m so happy that Thor now has a friend to play with but, potty training our new puppy is already getting old. Because we couldn’t leave her with Thor when they first met we lost precious training moments because she would just go wherever she could. I must say that I have really got my moneys worth when we got the steam cleaner! Hopefully very soon we Roxy will start learning that she needs to go outside.

I love puppies but, I hate the potty training, Roxy is already growing so fast and before I know it she will be getting so big! Thor will be happy once she is bigger so he can play rougher with her but, I will be sad because then I can’t hold her anymore. I wish that they could just stay little forever.

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