Friday, October 31, 2008

Our New House!


I think that we are finally settled into our new house! There still needs to be some more decorating but, that will come with time. :)

We have a nice sized back yard that our doggies love to run around in... and might I add dig holes!!! Darn things! You would think that they were trying to get to china!

In our living room we have a nice big wall that is covered in Mirrors!!!!!!!!!! Now most people when they have seen it ask if we like it and what we would do with it to which I reply... I LOVE IT!!!!!! DUH i'm a dancer!! :) I always get a kick out of seeing myself hahahaha

Our kitchen has a weird selfy thingy that I don't exactly know what to do with it... but, people have given me some tips.

The only thing that I do not like about this house is that it has more stairs than our last one and also it has a lot of carpet!!! Soooo that means more cleaning for me :(

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