Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Bridesmaid!!!!!

This past September I was another Bridesmaid for my friend.

The wedding was nice though it was extremly hot outside!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was going to past out up there standing but, I held it together!

The reception was nice and the food was sooo good. It was some chicken served atop mashed potatoes with veggies and rolls.

Though the greatest part about the wedding was when I caught the bouqet once again!!!!! :) I didn't think that I was going to have any luck but, when I saw the bouqet coming my way I went for it... I remember before going out there Orrin told me if I caught another one he wouldn't know what to do with me but, it must have been tellign him something!! Because... he caught the guarder!!! WELL.... Actually all his friends moved so it was rigged for him to catch it but, still he caught it! :)

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