Friday, October 31, 2008

Hanging around the house....

Sometimes it's fun to just hang around the house and do nothing at all....

Which is what we did the other weekend...

Orrin wasn't feeling to well but, that didn't stop the doggies and I from having some fun!!

Another Bridesmaid!!!!!

This past September I was another Bridesmaid for my friend.

The wedding was nice though it was extremly hot outside!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was going to past out up there standing but, I held it together!

The reception was nice and the food was sooo good. It was some chicken served atop mashed potatoes with veggies and rolls.

Though the greatest part about the wedding was when I caught the bouqet once again!!!!! :) I didn't think that I was going to have any luck but, when I saw the bouqet coming my way I went for it... I remember before going out there Orrin told me if I caught another one he wouldn't know what to do with me but, it must have been tellign him something!! Because... he caught the guarder!!! WELL.... Actually all his friends moved so it was rigged for him to catch it but, still he caught it! :)

Our New House!


I think that we are finally settled into our new house! There still needs to be some more decorating but, that will come with time. :)

We have a nice sized back yard that our doggies love to run around in... and might I add dig holes!!! Darn things! You would think that they were trying to get to china!

In our living room we have a nice big wall that is covered in Mirrors!!!!!!!!!! Now most people when they have seen it ask if we like it and what we would do with it to which I reply... I LOVE IT!!!!!! DUH i'm a dancer!! :) I always get a kick out of seeing myself hahahaha

Our kitchen has a weird selfy thingy that I don't exactly know what to do with it... but, people have given me some tips.

The only thing that I do not like about this house is that it has more stairs than our last one and also it has a lot of carpet!!! Soooo that means more cleaning for me :(

It's Been A While....

It's been a long time since I have wrote on here... and I figured that I would give everyone an update. :)

School is going great!! So far I have all A's and I hope to continue to keep that up!! I recently just had 3 mid-terms and all those I Aced!!! :)

Our new house that we just moved into is great and I like it so much more than our other one!!

In a week I should hopefully be going to Disneyland with my dance company and I cannot wait!!

I will post up some new pictures in the next few blogs to follow this one...
