Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Last Final for the Semester...

Well, after fourteen long weeks of school for the spring semester I can successfully say that I am done! Last night I took my final for Geology. Our assignment was to create a poster board choosing one of the topics from a list that was given to us. Then we were supposed to give a presentation on our topic in front of our class.

Not really knowing what I should present mine on, I chose Waste Disposal. Taking advice from my friend Ashley, I decided to do it on Disposable Diapers and how they affect our landfills. Who would have ever thought that the number of diapers in the landfills would equal the size of Texas?!

Very nervous I approached our classroom yesterday and dreaded giving my speech. Holding my note cards and reviewing what I would say to the class, I felt my body overwhelming with butterflies! Normally I’m not a nervous person and I don’t get shy in front of people but, the again I’m dancing when I’m in front of lots of people and not talking. Anyways our teacher came into the classroom and was like can I please have everyone display their boards around the room? I thought that was really weird but, I followed along. After everyone had their boards displayed, he was like alright I’d like to thank you all for being in my class and that’s your final! I think my jaw dropped to the floor. NO FINAL!!! I could hear the choir singing. For a minute I thought that he was just joking and that he would soon start making us present but, he said we could just hangout and relax for a few min before we left, that way it gave the school staff the idea that we were really having a final. Today after checking my school’s website, I saw that he had posted our grades. I got an A+ on the poster board and I passed the class with a B! I couldn’t have asked for anything better, well maybe an A but, passing with a B is just fine for me.

I’m normally not a science person so most of the time after I take a science course I never recommend it for anyone. Though I must say that having Mr. Randy Mc. Elroy, as my science teacher at, Estrella Mountain Community College, was a great benefit for me. He was not like most college teachers where they don’t listen and will not work with you. If I had a question or a problem with my homework, he would always be willing to help me and he was a very approachable person. At the end of the course, he made a once in a life time opportunity for me, so that I could take a test that I had missed. This really boosted up my grade and I am very grateful to have had a teacher that did that. I highly recommend this course for anyone who needs a science class, the course is called Geology 110 with Mc.Elroy, you will not want any other science teacher after you have had him. He makes learning fun, and does not boar you with lots of note taking and book readings. However he expands our learning by watching videos that give you the same information as in the book. So I say YES to taking a geology course you will not regret it!

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