Friday, April 25, 2008

The Never Ending Story...

Meet Orrin...

While many people might have their ups and downs with children getting hurt and caring for them, I have the same problem with my “Big Baby”, otherwise known as my boyfriend, Orrin.

Oh where to start… well, we started dating my Sophomore year of high school, though we met my Freshman year, when he was a senior. When we first met we were just merely friends, and would always hang out. Well, at one party that we went to, he had just a bit too much to drink! Turning blue in the face and practically not breathing, he was rushed air evacuated to the hospital. While there, you would think that he would have learned his lesson to be more careful, haha that was only the beginning!

It had been almost a year later since his trip in the helicopter and I was very proud of him for not having anymore “accidents”. Although somehow I think that I might have jinxed him, because I received word that he crashed a “Go-Cart”, and broke his ankle, apparently he was not being smart and decided to race a “Go-Cart” down a mountain, and that’s when he crashed. Well, after this fall, it put him off of his feet for about six weeks, and $1000’s of dollars later.

Well, a little bit after his ankle had healed, we started dating. It was almost a year later from his “Go-Cart” crash, when I get a phone call from his brother telling me that he is in the ER. The only thing that I could think was (Oh great what did he do now!). THIS time he was goofing around with tractors, and he got ran over by a bulldozer! He was so lucky that he didn’t loose his leg, or worse his life. So once again he was off of his feet for another four weeks, for severe bruising. You would think that after this time, he would really learn his lesson and not want to be paying back medical bills all his life.

Well, spring turned to summer, and summer faded into fall, and before you know it, it was that time again! I bet your asking what more could he do to his body? Well, the answer is very simple what hasn’t he done to his body! This time I received the phone call, as I was leaving the dance studio. His mother told me that they were taking Orrin to the ER because he had cut his finger off! So there I am panicking thinking that he has a dangling finger, when I come to find out that his mom over exaggerated and it was only cut really deep. Once I again I asked him what stupid stunt that he tried to pull, and this time it was the old trying to cut a piece of metal with a dye grinder. I tell ya this boy will never learn his lessons.

Because, about two weeks later he decides to go riding on his dirt bike, which you know, is a normal thing that people do, but the only catch is it was on a track that they built. Well, he was supposed to be home by seven so that we could have dinner. At six thirty, I get a phone call from his friend that he was riding with that Orrin had broken his leg! I though it was some kind of mean joke that they were trying to pull on me. Nope it was all true! Knowing that it was too dark to ride his bike “one last time” around the track, he attempted to do his jump, which landed him with yet ANOTHER medical bill. This time his broken bone was more serious, because it was a compound fracture and his leg was practically dangling. Though just to top it all off he got another famous trip air evacuated, plus 4 nights in the hospital! I bet that he can’t wait for the medical bills to come piling in.

Dirt Bike Break...

So to end my wonderful little stories, I will leave you with this…

Two trips being air evacuated - $16,000
All the medical bills added up – Over $80,000
Having a boyfriend that always keeps me entertained – PRICELE$$!!

UPDATE: After this last incident with breaking his leg, he fell out of his truck and broke another bone! Don’t worry though this is a non weight bearing bone so they told him to “take it easy”, haha apparently they don’t know who they are talking to.

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