Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not sure if this is for me...

So school started... This will be our second week going to classes. Though I'm not as excited anymore. When I first started I was so stoked and I couldn't wait for it to be here. The day that I found out I was accepted I was so excited and this was what I was finally waiting for but, now that it's here it's not what I dreamed.

For the first thing my friend and I were going to school together so I knew that I would always have her to be my back up and tell me that I CAN get through all the homework and that I CAN do this... But, after the first day of classes she had a change of heart. She decided to switch majors and move on to something else. The next day of classes I thought that I was just feeling bummed from her not being there but, this week I'm still feeling the same. The classes are so boring and I really don't know what I'm learning. It feels like all the teachers do is talk about the same things and just tell us about future projects and basically have us doing BUSY work...

So as of now I'm in a rut... I can withdrawl from my classes BUT... I won't recieve any money back. Though if I decide next semester that I want to move on to something else then this semester would be a waste... I've talked to some people and they all said the first block is soo boring but, it gets better but, I'm just not feeling it.. Something came over me that I was just unsure that I wanted to teach. I love little kids and I always have but, then I realized that when I teach dance to them, it's doing something that I love. I love dance... my friends are all taking dance again this semester and it's really getting to me that I'm not too... I miss it so much. When I took my class last semester that was the most fun that I have had in a really long time and when I got to be on the stage again it was so exciting! That's when I started feeling like I should be doing something that I really love. Maybe I should be going for my degree in dance so I can teach dance at a highschool or college... But, I'm just so unsure right now and I wish that I would have decided this sooner.