Monday, September 8, 2008

Always a Bridesmaid!!

This past Saturday I was a bridesmaid for my friends wedding. It was really hard to believe that just a couple years ago we were making up stupid dances in my bedroom and making up stories about riding our bikes down the freeway! The wedding was soo gorgeous and a lot of fun. I only wish that we could do it again!!

The rehearsal we practiced walking in our shoes and making sure that we weren't going to trip on anything!

Kari and I before we went to the reception.

Us girls were not paying attention there was a lot of noise and commotion going on.

In the morning of the BIG DAY we all went to go have our hair and make-up done. It was so much fun and as the time got closer I got more and more nervous.

We all got really cute bags to carry around our bridesmaid necesities!! We had anything and everything from bandages, to advil, and lip gloss.

I look like curly sue here!!

My hair is almost finished!!

This is our group shot just before we walked down the asile. Right at this time we were all freaking out!!

Their reception afterwards was amazing!!!!! I even caught the bouqet!! Though when I looked at Orrin he was like oh gosh I don't think so!! haha

Fighting over the bouqet!!

I walked away with it!!!

Drinking with the bride!!

Mmmmm Margaritas!!!

We finally got him to take a picture!!