Monday, August 25, 2008

Wide Awake!!

So it's about 11:15 and I'm still awake. School starts tomorrow and I really need some sleep!! So I started thinking of things to do....

I tried streching thinking maybe that would help relax my body... WRONG!! I ended up pulling a muscle and hurting myself even more! This is a great way for my to start my dance class tomorrow!! :(

To recover from hurting myself I tried reading. The reading made me a little tired but, I was still restless and couldn't focus on the book to read....

Next, I thought about watching some television...But, as always nothing is on!! Just the boring late night television!! Which makes you want to go to sleep but, everytime I tried closing my eyes I starting thinking about everying... school tomorrow, do I have all my books I need, what am I going to wear, and what time do I have to wake up in the morning...

So then I even resorted to counting sheep... let me tell you IT DOES NOT WORK!! LoL I dunno who the heck thought of the idea but, all it did was make me mad because I would forget what number I was on and then I would start all over.

Then that's when I decided to write on my blog... It's helping me a little I'm starting to get sleepy now so I hope that I may be able to fall right to sleep...

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