Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dog Troubles...

Well, after a long day at work who really wants to go home to a mess? Now, normally my dog does really well, if I leave him home alone in the house he doesn’t eat anything that’s not his. And with our Arizona weather kicking in it’s too hot to leave him outside during the summer, and not to mention that he is a husky so he isn’t use to this weather. So yesterday I came home and looked around and everything seemed to be the way I left it, little did I know that when I turned the corner to go into the living room that I would want to scream! My lovely dog Thor decided that he would have some fun and eat our couch. Not just take a few bite marks to the legs of the couch but, literally eat our couch!! He jumped on the couch and ripped off a back cushion and started taking out the stuffing of the couch. We weren’t planning on getting a new couch anytime soon but, we can’t have guests over with the back of our couch missing! I can officially say that I will never leave Thor alone in the house again unless he is in a doggie kennel.

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