Monday, May 19, 2008

Baby Showers!!

After this weekend I don’t think that I want to go to another baby shower! Well, at least not for awhile anyways. I don’t think that I have seen that many people before come to a baby shower! There had to be almost sixty people; this baby is well loved and she hasn’t even made her debut yet!

Anyways since this is my boyfriend’s sister’s baby shower I was in charge of the games. Though with that many people, it’s kinda hard to play any games. So I got put in charge of handing the presents to Melanie as she opened them and if they were really cute I was to walk around and show everyone. I think that by the time Melanie got done opening her presents baby Peyton had more clothes than me!! We will just hope that Peyton will be able to grow into her clothes and get to wear all of them and not sprout like a bean and out grow them all. I was very surprised that she did not get as many diapers as I thought that she would! But, she got a lot of really nice things that will come in handy.

Well, as the baby shower ended it was time to start picking up the mess. Which is always soo much fun! Some how I ended up getting stuck with washing all of the dishes, yay me, NOT!! There were so many bowels and platters to clean that were holding the food my fingers looked like a couple of prunes by the time I got done! Though finally all the clean up was done and we were able to leave. I never want to help throw a baby shower for a long time. Attending them is easy, you just eat and give your gift then be on your way, though when you are helping you get stuck with the clean ups! All in all it was a wonderful shower and I cannot wait for the baby to arrive!

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